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Category: Life

Week 2 with a dumbphone

This is my second week with a dumbphone. I thought it would be more productive in my spare time, but I've resorted to using my iPad as a second phone. This sucks, but I will have to actively make it a point to delete the apps that are disctracting me on my iPad, and use them when necessary on my computer.

I can't lie it sucks thinking about how bad I've been letting my attention span drift back down and how I've let myself be this lazy, but the first step is ackgnowledging it, then getting back to it.

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Sylphide's profile picture

as predators, we are made to relax more often than not. And love to play, too. If you can make what you want to do more of a "game" and take common breaks it should be easier than if you try to fit into what people consider "actual productiveness"

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This is the first time I've seen it explained like this. It makes a lot more sense. I've actually masteres this before, having a lot of time to reward myself with extended periods of relaxation after my work was done. It felt rewarding.

by Sebby; ; Report

:)!!!!!! Good to know it helped, you can try and re-incorporate it into your life

also there's a cycle of how much our focus really goes, iirc, it was around 50minutes before it goes back down, so if you have small breaks after half an hour/one hour sessions it should help!!!! Personally I find the Pomodoro method real useful

by Sylphide; ; Report

I find that with how my brain functions, it works best when I:

1. make sure my environment is tidied
2. make it known the amount of distractions that will be present while I work (I usually work best when theres 1-2 around. working in silence or places with too much auditory distractions makes it difficult for me to pay attention)
3. knowing that i can take a break whenever i feel like it (rather than having scheduled breaks, because it could interrupt with my workflow when i'm not in the zone and when i am)

and then i reward myself with an indefinite break! it really feels more freeing to take shorter breaks in between big tasks and then rewarding myself with a long break. if i take too long of a break i begin to dread getting back to work :-,)

by Sebby; ; Report

oooooooooh sounds good then!!!! :D good luck with that!!! and extra tip: get snacks, the brain won't work as well if it's hungry!

by Sylphide; ; Report

Thank you! I will definitely remember that

by Sebby; ; Report