Vampi!!! X3's profile picture

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Category: Life


Hi! This is just a Duo list!


-racists, homophobes, transphobes, xenophobic ppl

-anti furry and anti Therein

-British ppl (JOKE)

-VERY Mental unstable ppl (for both of our health + wellbeing)

-Anyone over 17 or bellow 13


-Victim blamers

-Very Christian ppl (only if you don't try and fucking covert me)

-Ppl who can't separate artists and their work or ppl who support problematic ppl (cough cough *Some msi fans* Cough cough)

-Art stealers/tracers

-people with invalid sexualitys (Dreamsexual, MAPS Ect...)

-People who invalidate people with mental and physical disabilities (visible or not)

-people who fake illnesses/mental disorders

-People who don't view Neopronouns as valid!

That's all for now!!

-Ash!!! X3

1 Kudos


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