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Category: Life

ORTHODONIST,.,. .... ,. ,.

gang.., all of the is professional speculation bc i still have to get xrays (on mon.) but UGHHGGRGHh

turns out my jaw is displaced (or smth???) bc whenever i open my mouth to much it clicks n thats the joint bones GRINDING AGAINST EACHOTHER. and thats what is causing my literal pain howling, eye watering, headache enducing jaw aches that ive been getting for at least 2 years. (being slightly dramatic)

but im not allowed to chew gum anymore !!! or until we fix it which could be??? years?? 

im literallty so upset . HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO BE WERREWOLF COOL IF IM FUCKINBHG MUZZLED??!/ heoklp lol

also i might have to wear a bite guard for the rest of my fuivkc ing life AND!!  they said that if it keeps grinding the bone down and the clicking stops (which means they stop making contact w/ eachother) MY JAW COULD GET LOCKED OPEN?!??!> which freaked me out. ik i already yelled to all my friend n in rant channels on disc abt this but it literally sucks sm and its all ive been able 2 think about;. .,. 

ive also been using asl more (while it's very bad. a few simple signs i learned as a toddler and alot of finger spelling) bc im nervous to talk/work my jaw at all. like. yawning makes me nervous at this point. hrfhjsmn ., im kinda glad ik what causes my jaw aches now but after all the tests the ortho had me do (lots of opening my mouth and clicking my jaw) its been aching more that usual,... and the othr side too!! which never happend. but it might be like, stress or grinding my teeth 2 idk,... sighss.s

wish me luck on my Xrays dudes </3 (i hope i dont have to wear a bite guard for the rest of my life fuck. and be able to chew gum my mouth is literally dying. ive been biting my lips/ the inside of my mouth more :( .)

           - Augusttine (ur local wolfboy xP)

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