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cookie run: tower of adventures and its upcoming release

 OvenGames, the Devsisters studio that primarily works on Cookie Run: OvenBreak, recently announced pre-registration for their newest game, Cookie Run: Tower of Adventures.

    Tower of Adventures has been planned since 2022 and was announced in the 2022 DevNow, a Devsisters showcase, where it was originally named Cookie Run: Project B. 

    The gameplay showcased for Project B, while still reminiscent in the full Tower of Adventures gameplay, does have a stark contrast between its gameplay and the final product's.

The Cookies and story of Project B also starkly contrast the story of Tower of Adventures while maintaining some similarities.

    The Cookies shown here are some beta designs for Project B. From left to right are: Icicle Cookie, an unnamed red Cookie, GingerBrave, and a beta design of Twisted Donut Cookie. While GingerBrave obviously stayed, the only Tower of Adventures-exclusive Cookie that managed to stay was Twisted Donut Cookie, but not without design changes. He looks like this now:

    Later in the showcase, concept art for designs of some Cookies shown previously and some new Cookies are displayed.

    We can see the concept art for a previously shown Cookie, Icicle Cookie, and three new characters. The green one with an eyepatch is a beta design for Plantain Cookie. The reddish orange one is Maple Cookie, who looks pretty similar to the unnamed red Cookie. The Cookie on the top right is Calamansi Cookie. The only one of these four to make it to the final game is Plantain Cookie, who now looks like this:

   In the original story for Project B, GingerBrave and his friends all get transported into a tower by the Witch. It's assumed the Witch is in this tower, and GingerBrave climbs the tower to save his friends from being eaten by her.

    The Tower of Adventures story follows GingerBrave running away from monsters in the Witch's house, where the Sugar Star finds him and saves him from the monsters. The Star brings him to a big storybook that tells the tale of a "brave" hero destined to climb the Pancake Tower and "stop the forces of darkness from taking over." The Star then tries to help him escape the house, but an enemy named Frank knocks GingerBrave out. To save him, the Sugar Star transports him to the first floor of the Pancake Tower.

    One thing that stayed the same is the tower design itself: a tower built from a stack of pancakes.

Project B Pancake Tower

Tower of Adventures Pancake Tower

    There are more Tower of Adventures-exclusive Cookies that were not shown in the DevNow, likely planned further on into its development:

While not new, Rockstar Cookie got a Tower of Adventures-exclusive redesign as well:

    The Rockstar we see here is actually a younger version of himself according to his Tower of Adventures description. In OvenBreak and Kingdom, he's an older rockstar that brings many people nostalgia for his music. In Tower of Adventures, however, he's described as a "rising Cookie star," implying he hasn't yet reached, let alone passed, the fame he's given in other games. It looks like Devsisters really likes to redesign him, because he got a (albeit much less drastic) design change upon his Kingdom release too.

    Enough of the story and Cookies, let's discuss the gameplay in this game too.

    The first beta test for Tower of Adventures lasted 10 days in November 2023 and was exclusive to Google Play Games Beta. This one was open to everyone and was labeled a "playtest." This featured 6 playable Cookies: GingerBrave, Cherry Cookie, Angel Cookie, Twisted Donut Cookie, Rye Cookie, and Crushed Pepper Cookie. There were only two playable game modes for the November test, which were Story Mode and Raid Mode.

 Story Mode had 2 chapters to it with a total of 25 stages, so it was pretty easy to clear it quickly. You could clear it either solo or with one friend. Completing Story Mode granted players 1,000 Cookie Ascension Stones, 200 Basic Draw Tickets, and 10 million Coins. Beating a specific stage in Story Mode unlocked Raid Mode.

  Raid Mode had 2 bosses featured for the November test, Berry Bat and Shamonkey. There were 4 difficulty levels in Raid Mode, ranging from I to IV, and you had to reach a specific power level with your Cookie to advance to the next difficulty. Raid Mode could be played with up to four players, and would only match you with less if there was nobody else in the lobby.

    The second and last beta test for Tower of Adventures lasted 16 days and spanned from January 2024 to February 2024 and was exclusive to Android and iOS as a mobile app. This one was a closed beta and only a select amount of people got in it (I was one of them!! 😁). This test featured the Cookies from the last test and an additional 4 Cookies: Werewolf Cookie, Chili Pepper Cookie, Lemon Zest Cookie, and Rockstar Cookie. Both playable game modes from the last test were in this one, as well as an additional two, which were Glass Labyrinth and Seasoning Dungeons.

    This time, Story Mode had 4 chapters to it with a total of 55 stages to clear, so it took a lot longer to get through it. Like the last test, you could clear the stages alone or with a friend. You did not get any major rewards for beating Story Mode like you did in the November test. Beating a specific stage in Story Mode unlocked Raid Mode.

  This Raid Mode also had two bosses featured, the new Barb & Konn and the old Berry Bat (Shamonkey was a living hell of a boss, which is probably why it wasn't renewed). Outside of the new boss, no other notable things changed from the November test.

    Seasoning Dungeons could be unlocked by completing a specific stage in Story Mode. This mode offered a way for players to get leveling potions and Ascension Stones to further level their Cookies. Each Dungeon had about 10 stages, if I can recall correctly.

    Glass Labyrinth could, you guessed it, be unlocked by completing a specific stage in Story Mode. Glass Labyrinth offered a way for players to get Crystals, which they could use to buy Draw Tickets and pull new Cookies. Each trial in Glass Labyrinth had up to 3 stages of enemies, which you beat with up to 3 different Cookies. There are were two sections to the Glass Labyrinth game mode: Labyrinth of Remembrance: Hall of Discipline and Labyrinth of Trials: Hall of Succession. You had to complete Labyrinth of Remembrance: Hall of Discipline in order to access Labyrinth of Trials: Hall of Succession.

  A side thought: something I noticed about Berry Bat between the November open test and the January closed test is that when the mini bats got summoned, you couldn't simply avoid them and attack the big Bat to end the round before the mini bats all died in the January test like you could in the November test.

    Another thought, this one regarding Plantain Cookie. I was really happy to see when I got to his chapter that he didn't speak broken English and was not aggressive, both traits I see often in tribal themed characters. He spoke very well and was not aggressive to the player, instead questioned their presence on his floor of the tower and quickly asked them to help calm the chaos that he's been trying to control, but can't on his own.

    Well, this has been an extensive post, and I just realized how long it is. I really enjoy Tower of Adventures as it offers direct combat, which both OvenBreak and Kingdom do not. It was also really fun having an actual multi-player experience, which, again, OvenBreak and Kingdom do not directly offer. I really hope to see this game successful. I think the fact that it's 3D while the rest of their games are 2D may throw some Cookie Run fans off, but wouldn't be too difficult to get used to. I grew fond of the 3D models and how nice they look fairly quickly, so I hope other people new to Tower of Adventures do too. I really do see this game as the next big Cookie Run game, or at least it will do better than their other new games.

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