What should I do this summer?

I want to actually do something this summer. Things like an art project, or new recipes, just something to keep me busy. I don't want to waste another summer rotting in my room. Please give me suggestions on what to do!

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✮Z1RKRON✮'s profile picture

Try doing one of those like art challenges like inktober but now! If you have ocs, then checking out ArtFight or Unvale could be something you could do. The actual ArtFight event starts, I think in June tho but you can prep all thru the year.


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Also like learning new recipes and slowly making them your own is a thing u could do ( Like I've been making steak and have been experimenting with seasonings and herbs and it's great! )

by ✮Z1RKRON✮; ; Report

Thank you for the ideas!

by Kaden; ; Report


Seth's profile picture

I wouldn't recommend a YouTube channel.

What I would recommend is living.

Do absolutely anything, find a road you've never been down in your hometown and take a nice drive to broaden your horizons.

Call up an old buddy and see how they're doing.

Go visit your grandparents if they're still alive and have them tell you some stories about "the good ol' days".

Sky's the limit, as long as you aren't rotting away in front of a screen.

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Forgot to mention, if you're gonna do something creative that does require sitting in front of a screen - I recommend doing it anonymously.

It'll keep the creative juices flowing better - I've found - and you won't be impeded much by the opinions of your peers or the threat of someone finding it IRL and making a fuss about it.

by Seth; ; Report

thank you so much for the suggestions and the advice! I appreciate it :)

by Kaden; ; Report

✧・Vivi cosplay✧・

✧・Vivi cosplay✧・'s profile picture

You could try, traveling to new places, hangout with friends, go to thrift stores, start your own YT channel based on your hobbies, plant some flower seeds to make your own garden & meditate.

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Thank you for the ideas!

by Kaden; ; Report

Np <3

by ✧・Vivi cosplay✧・; ; Report


steve_sonic's profile picture

getting a bike/skateboard or roller blades even if u dont know how to use them u could spend the summer learning them

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Thank you for the suggestion!!

by Kaden; ; Report

no problem dude! i spent the last summer learning to skateboard and now i skate every single day i love it sm

by steve_sonic; ; Report

Thats so cool!!

by Kaden; ; Report