HandOvDoom's profile picture

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Category: Blogging


Im having a few drinks so I thought this would be such a great time to write a "get to know me" of sorts, so here we go.

Some interesting cool things about me are that I started practicing magic (Varied forms of divination and deity work mostly) at around 8 years old and I now help teach a class on esoteric studies. I'm big into poetry and philosophy, I enjoy reading my poetry at open mics when I can. I play the keyboard, bass, guitar, ukulele and can sing / do harsh vocals as well. Some of my favorite genres are goth, black metal, thrash, death and ofc the many bands that go into emo and scene music, I also enjoy classics and psychedelic rock. I can find a band I like in almost all genres. I just started doing archery (so I can be like Legolas from LOTR), I enjoy designing costumes and dressing up in fantasy outfits just to go to normal stuff around town. Through my life I have had 10 piercings but I currently have gauges, two lip rings (same side) and a nostril piercing. I'm a Leo sun, scorpio moon and cancer sun (It's bad I know). Im also AUDHD (Autistic with ADHD) and love to talk about my hyperfixations. 

I'm a pretty big geek, I really enjoy LOTR, Starwars, Harry Potter and Collecting VHS tapes, Vinyls and cassettes. I'm a big fan of horror movies, two of my favorites are The Shining and House Of 1000 Corpses. 

My favorite video game right now is baldursgate3, if any of you who see this are into that want to play together send me a message! (and send me your discord for calls n shit if you are comfortable with that) 

Im currently in the process of writing a D&D campaign based around tarot cards, which I will be DMing for the class I help teach as a fun summer activity. 

I first started listening to metal when I was about 10, my guitar teacher at the time put me onto Katatonia, Napalm death and AFI, I was also super into watching creepy pasta videos on YouTube and if you know about those, you'll know some of the animatics used music like Set It Off or Get Scared. Many years later I am who I am now! Some of my favorite bands right now are Emperor, Bathory, The Cure, Christian Death, Eatmewhileimhot!, Metallica, Vlad Tepes, Sleeping with Sirens, Pierce the veil (saw them twice now, one time with the used as well which was cool)  

I like to think I'm a pretty chill friendly person, so if you're into any of those things don't be scared to send me a friend request and a message!  

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