hi guys! wow it's been a while since i've been here...
this is a basically a public diary that you're welcome to read and comment on! i love sharing little stories.
i hope you all are doing well. my second term of uni started this week. SO EXCITING!
the workload is super stressful but it's great to be studying something that i've loved all my life and meet peers with the same interests as me. not to mention.. the PROFESSORS???? disney, pixar, lyka studios, all animators and industry professionals with so much knowledge. it's sick.
i'm also finally starting to get over my break up in february. it's really painful leaving someone you care so much about but i'm glad i'm learning to put myself first and have more self respect. sometimes it hurts but honestly fuck it we ball :] yesterday was my 19th birthday but i still feel the same. patiently waiting for my frontal lobe to fully develop, if anyone has any tips on entering adulthood i'd really appreciate it lmao.
i've been a little lonely for the past few months. my bestfriend's boyfriend is visiting her right now so i'm a little bored but i'm picking up more hobbies, some old some new! maybe someday we can all share some art or music together and learn from one another.
anyways, little story time to end it off! yesterday, i was at campus all day. i usually leave my birds' cage door open so the two of them can fly around and not get too bored until i return. while they are very active, they tend to stay in certain parts of the room so i don't have too worry too much about certain areas of my room because they (for some reason) avoid them. when i came home (at around 5pm for my birthday dinner), i noticed that one of my birds was missing? the window is never open and my door was only slightly ajar to allow for airflow, definitely not enough for her to fit through. i started freaking out and (as gently as possible) started tearing apart my room looking for her. my other budgie kept calling out to her but there was no response, which was the alarming part as she is a very shy yet social little budgie.
i searched the entire house. at this point i was sobbing and physically shaking because i thought the worst, there were no responses and no sign of her. i was expecting to find her limp stuck in some crevasse. eventually, my mother and i notices the end of her tail sticking out from the top of my desk! right in between the wall, not too close that she was getting squished between the desk, just enough for her to move around a bit in the shelf space underneath. poor thing, her leg had caught on the end of my scarf (one part of the room she avoids) and she was sitting on a wire behind my desk to avoid hanging from her foot! i started WAILING because at first she wasn't moving or making noise and i could only see her tail. when i gently tugged on it she didn't move... but then i peaked underneath my shelf and saw she was BREATHING!! GIRL YOU SCARED ME OH MY LORD? poor thing doesn't like to be touched so she kept biting me while i held her and gently cut the part of the scarf that was stuck to her..... she's completely fine and spent the afternoon grumpily eating all the treat i got her.
no idea how long she was there but i'm so relieved she's okay and back to her normal shelf. i've since moved the scarf and moved the desk against the wall completely so they cannot fall behind it. NO BIRDS WERE HARMED! no bleeding or any signs of broken bones or pain.
that's all i have for now without being too boring... maybe next time i'll share some uni stories and art :) thank you for reading especially if you got this far! i'd love to hear any stories from you guys as well. hope you all get little joys that make your cheeks warm these days.
have a great weekend!
<3 merri
ps: question of the day: favourite musicals?! i grew up on heather's and in my relapse i'm discovering all the other musicals i love as well!
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im so glad uni is going well for you!! i am also glad that you are beginning to recover, it's not easy, but it will be okay <3 HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY! of course im also glad that your birds are okay ^_^ i used to have budgies, i dont anymore sadly. they were so cute, i should get some again! they look so cute when they eat their little millet treat. i hope things keep going well for you!! & i would love to see your art!
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THANK YOU SO MUCH! awee yes i agree, i love budgies so much. next time i remember to post i'll see if i can add some pictures of them for you!! (some art as well lol)
by merrii; ; Report
yay i will love to see it! :D
by chickennuggie; ; Report