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yapping (young sheldon and spiderman atsv zpoilerz -.-)

one of the zongz in my liked zongz on Spotify iz a young sheldon reference becauze the band iz called waxahachee and therez a city in texas called waxahachie and i think itz the zame pronounciation idk :P anywayz, in young sheldon dr sturgis goez to waxahachie to work on a zuper collider and zayz that therez a chance that a black hole might open up and zwallow the univerze !! X_X and in spiderman atsv, therez alzo a zuper collider and, juzt like the black hole, if a canon event iz dizrupted then the zpiderman'z univerze collapzez (az zeen with miguel and pavitr D: )

anywayzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz thiz waz all just an excuze to yap about my current intereztz L:

alzo, 2nd blog :O amazeballz !!!

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