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Category: Life

Needing questions answered (In relation to DID)

I have a friend who is DID, and the more I learn about it, the more I start to think that I could possibly be a system, but I think I might be more of an amnesic type, or like I don't realise when I switch alters, but that also makes it so much more confusing if I am or not. I have DPDR (Depersonalisation/ Derealisation Disorder), but my confusion about if I am DID or not is definitely more related to identity aspects. I could be wrong, but under most articles, symptoms include: 

You may forget about certain time periods, events and personal information.

Feeling disconnected from your own body.

Feeling disconnected from the world around you.

You might not have a sense of who you are.

You may have clear multiple identities.

You may feel little or no physical pain.

All of these symptoms I know I experience, but the one that I'm kind of unsure still, is the clear multiple personalities. To me, it feels quite unclear that I clearly have multiple identities because I can't really tell if/when the way I act is extremely different, but a lot of people tend to tell me that I'm acting drastically different often, so I'm unsure. Another thing is I catch myself referring to myself as we often cause it just feels I guess a lot more comfortable? Is this disrespectful at all, because I promise I'm not trying to be, but I sincerely apologise if it is. If any systems (diagnosed more so but undiagnosed are welcome to) have any answers or maybe can help me with this, that would be very much appreciated. I'm not saying I am DID, but I am simply wanting to get opinions from systems to see if maybe I could possibly be DID and should get a diagnosis or if this is something entirely different. Thank you in advance :3

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It's a dissorder that is made to go unnoticed, so you not noticing something is pretty usual actually. It's also for this reason that it is common for systems to have denial as a symptom.

With this established, there's many versions of dissociative dissorders that lead to being a system, including but not limited to OSDD (all types), DID, C-DID, and others.
Some have fragments that are more like "one person but at different ages", others have fragments that are completely separate, and some have little or strangely developed amnesia (like not remembering your past but remembering enough between switches so no one notices).

In all, a system's first and foremost job is to keep the person's psyche from breaking completely by isolating the trauma away and keeping the fragment/s or alter/s that are dealing with the day to day life from noticing.

Does this help a bit?

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Also about getting a diagnosis, I'd also look into things like the legal ramifications of it, as official diagnosis can put you at risk of being denied jobs or insurance sometimes, or even put you under guardianship which can be risky if your family is not a good one.

by Sylphide; ; Report

I'll definitely be sure to look into some of the stuff you mentioned! This really helps a lot so thank you so much!:3

by Komi the Clown; ; Report

You're welcome!!! Feel free to ask anything you need, even if I'm not sure how to answer I can look into it and find you a trustworthy resource :)

by Sylphide; ; Report