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Category: Music

Underrated artists that I gatekeep

Here is a short list of artists I think deserve wayyyy more recognition yet ironically, I gatekeep them: 

5 - Saint Raven - If you're into a bit of melodic rock, go listen to any of their songs. They should be famous imo. 

4 - Molchat Doma - Although they are fairly recognised, they should be recognised more. Any song from this album will do.

3 - Still Corners -  If you're into bands like Fleetwood Mac, this one's for you. Absolute vibe.

2 - The Mayan Factor - Seriously, if you don't know who this is, you should! I gatekeep this one hardcore. Don't think i ever fell in love with a band THIS much. 

1 - Elsiane - I don't think I will ever find a duo quite like Elsiane. Their music is so ethereal & out of this world. Think alternative Aurora, Ethel Cain, Grimes. Not everyone I feel will quite grasp this duo if you're not into obscure music. 10/10. 

If you want more suggestions, comment something :D Enjoy! 

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smileyblog's profile picture

oooh I look forward to checking these out!

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You won't regret it! ;)

by MadMantis; ; Report