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Category: Blogging

Much better than Twitter

Unfortunately, I have a Twitter account. I don't want to get rid of it as I have a lot of friends on there and I don't really want to lose contact with them, but I don't like handing out my phone number to people who are still kind of strangers to me.

Twitter has been a source of immense stress for me. You tell yourself to not take its too seriously, but it pulls you in and makes you into a negative and envious person. It's main message is that you are inadequate.

TPOT is especially bad with this over it's obsession with IQ. It's treated like a videogame stat that you need a minimum of in order to be considered worthy of certain positions. The worst part is the fake compassion. The condescending "nobelesse oblige" they give to those they see as beneath them. Some of them advocate for testing people's IQ at a young age and deciding if they even get an education at that point. They see people as nothing but a collection of functions they can exploit. 

Not all of TPOT is like this, but a worrying amount are. I don't want to bad mouth them, but I can't take it any longer. This kind of thinking is wrong I think.

Referring to people as "midwits" is especially pretentious as it implies an elevated status on the part of the speaker. Twitter is a game of everyone's insecurities grotesquely oozing out of gaping wounds and a pathetic attempt to scoop it up and put it back inside of you. Hidden, but not expunged as it should be. 

I have to make a serious choice about leaving it or not. It's fun, and I use it to keep up with things like updates to the new Swat Kats tv show that may or may not actually launch, but otherwise it's a cesspool.

This place seems much better than twitter.

2 Kudos


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i only have a twitter account so that i can properly access and keep track of specific muscial artists or tech projects, and i only know to check via email notifications. i don't let it on my phone. a lot harder to doomscroll on a computer, i find.

your part of twitter sounds like hell. it's not your fault, granted, my pal's assigned demographic is "single mom" (which he definitely isn't). regardless, i am pro ditching. the only social media i keep is instagram, which i hate, but i cannot ditch the friends on there. i wish they had a messaging-only version of it (a la messenger for facebook), or that they'd actually go through with the full meta cross-integration thing so i can just use something like whatsapp or messenger to speak to instagram pals.

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