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Category: Life

Way of life

My parents always demanded me to get them a detailed plan on how I want to live my life, and this always put me in the most fucking awkward position imaginable.

So far my way of life was going by the stream, as in my opinion, you never can be sure what happens to you tomorrow, but you may rest assured knowing that you ensured it's nothing bad. 

I graduated high school being pretty lax about it, knowing that I won't achieve high scores and don't really want to - I preferred not to waste energy to maintain my grades excellent or good no mater what, I only paid attention to my final score not being less than good. In the my scores were good despite my parents predicting otherwise.

I entered college same way, knowing that I need to apply and wait and see what happens. I was in the last place, parents promised me a destiny of a Burger King cashier. In the end a lot of applicants recalled their applications which had put me on a faculty I wanted, and I kinda expected that to happen. In college itself I practiced same strategy as in high school - maintaining a good overall score while not thinking too much about ongoing grades - if it was easy for me to get excellent grades, good. If not, eh, whatever, don't wanna waste energy on trying overly hard.

Heck, even a job found me rather than me finding a job - during practice in college, I left a mini resume talking about what I had experience with, and suddenly got a call. I was accepted, and in the end, stayed working here. And I'm building up skills slowly and merging into the collective, absorbing advice from our senior developer and my boss.

My parents probably had so hard time believing it that they even tried to devalue the company I found, despite this company even being able to legally flip off the military forces and protect me from being forcefully taken for military service and waste one year of life doing chores on a military base.

My strategy of just trusting my destiny to God while doing everything I can to achieve what I would want had never let me down, none of the prophecies of doom from my parents came true in the end, and I think they won't come true ever. So, if you being scolded for your lax way of life and not having a detailed plan of action in your head at all times, just remember - this is a valid way of life too.

2 Kudos


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