Hey! I wanted to make a blog about typology since I'm a massive nerd for this stuff, and I'd like to meet more people who are too! If anyone is interested or wants to learn more please let me know ^^
What is typology? I might make a more comprehensive blog some day but essentially typology means using different systems to categorise people's personality/motivations/etc. Psychologists have invented different systems over the years to categorise people, and although typology isn't a proven thing, it's a lot of fun and helps you to better understand yourself and other people. So it's pretty neat! ^^
**✿❀ My Typology ❀✿**
I'm aware there may be some clashes here and there. I don't claim for this to be 100% accurate, just my current best understanding of myself. I'll update this blog if I come across changes or errors!
Cognitive Function
MBTI: INFJ (Ni-Fe-Ti-Se)
Socionics: EII (Fi-Ne) or IEI (Ni-Fe)
Jungian: IN(F)
Type and Wing: 6w5
Subtype: Social
Variants: so/sp
Trifix: 621 (6w5, 2w1, 1w9)
Big 5
SLOAN: [R]Lu/A/i
16personalities: INFP-T
Attitudinal Psyche: VELF (3313)
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there's no such thing as EII being a 6w5. I think you're probably mistype by being IEI.
(since that's more common)