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Category: Games

Games I like/recommend pt.2

Hello! I'm back with some more games that I like/recommend, this time focused on games that are way more enjoyable with friends, so let's start!

GunFire Reborn

First off is GunFire Reborn, this game got my attention immediately since it reminded me of Fur Fighters for the PlayStation 2 which I used to rent a lot, this one is so much fun by being a rouge-like so that every playthrough or "run" in the game can be pretty unique and different from the previous ones, It's a pretty challenging game but that can easily be overlooked by playing it with friends since you can revive each other, next up is another rouge-like.

Risk of Rain 2

Ah Risk of Rain 2 my beloved, such a chaotically fun game, easily going from 0 to 100 in a few minutes with the correct build, just like with GunFire Reborn this being a rouge-like makes it so that every run can be unique from one another while also being incredibly challenging at high difficulties (specially if you stuff like the nightmare difficulty mod) and playing it with friends can be a blast since you could later unlock stuff such as "artifacts" which are similar to the Halo skulls that add various modifiers to the game such as friendly-fire faster and wider enemy spawns and many more, it can be a little bit of a hassle at the beginning since there's a lot of stuff to unlock but it's really worth it once you start experimenting with different character builds and artifacts.

Content Warning

A relatively new game, I hope that I don't need to introduce this game as well as Lethal Company since they're similar games but anyway the premise is simple; you and other 3 people (preferably friends) go to explore abandoned places (The Old world as its referred in-game) with a camera with the task of recording "scary" stuff, which is usually stuff like bones on the ground, various creatures out there to kill you and your crew simply being there, there's a lot of things that can go wrong which is exactly what makes the game so much fun such as a monster suddenly appearing and making everyone run away only to realize that you've been separated from your group and now you have to find a way back to your ship before you either run-out of oxygen or are left behind.

Project Zomboid

And last but not least Project Zomboid, such a chaotic game, a run of this game can vary from 5 minutes to 7 hours at least, there's always something to do or zombies to hide from that even playing this game alone can be entertaining, but that's not the point in this blog, this time we're focused on the multiplayer aspect of the game, as long as you don't take losing your character seriously this game can be extremely funny to play with friends, wiping entire buildings clean of zombies, finding and fixing cars on the streets, driving crashing and having to fix your broken bones, a long with leveling a wide variety of skills make for a super entertaining time with your friends, oh and don't get me started on the mods that can be added, from the simple quality of life improvements such as better item descriptions and item weight adjustments to the addition of more weapons, modifications, cars, skills, etc. Make Zomboid definitely a strong recommendation to kill a LOT of time with friends.

Well, that's all for today, feel free leave a comment with a game you'd like to recommend and I'd try my best to check it out

1 Kudos


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