I'm back???

I really have been busy but fuck that excuse. I'm back and I have so much that happened. I have been smoking everyday and all day. I have been talking to people that I'm not supposed to be talking to but turns out they ended up getting additcted to benzos and alcohol. My "sister" got laced and had some sezuries. I am worried about both of them. I lost some friends. Symphony hasn't been talking to me anymore so I've been kinda alone. I have been diagnosed with heavy signs of DID. I've been having personality changes and having huge time skips. The stress of everything is getting to me I guess. I went to a Sematary concert and I had an amazing time. I almost nutted my pants when he came on stagel. We got him to play one more song and then it ended. I have kinda lost touch with reality. Nothing feels real and everything seems to be repeating itself. I have my case manager coming here today to have my appointment because my other case manager quit when she found out that she was pregnant so now I have a new one. I really do miss her but I understand why she left. My mom is back on her medication which has been helping her a lot. I've been sleeping all day and my mom has been losing her shit everytime I do go to sleep. Well that's all for now -LSSHOOTER

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