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Category: Life

random shit talking

this guy is so UGHHH... tell me why man graduated last year, helps out w my schools theatre company, and decided to go around saying our show was shit??? were literally #1 attendance for a show at my school?? man got best vocals once and thought he was the shit lmao

literally man was STRUGGLING to sing Easy Street when he was rooster in annie. bro was looking like jojo siwa with that bright ass face dawg looked fresh out of florida AND NO BRO PLAYED A NAZI LAST YEAR IN DIARY OF ANNE FRANK so man NEEDS to stfu

also he makes ppl uncomfy?? he gets a lil too close to me and some other girls in our theatre company. like i remember he was all up in my grill explaining how to check audio while recording the middle school show?? DUDE I HAVE EARS I CAN LISTEN TO THE FUCKING AUDIO 😭😭 like get out of my EARRR and he goes and decides to lean up on girls' chairs?? like you do not need to be that close. ik he probably isnt meaning to be creepy but personal space.

hes also just a dick?? like hes always being an asshole for what reason? youre not cool being an ass it just makes everyone not like you. man got rejected from the army so he needs to SHUT UUUUPPP like damn 😭😭

i remember my friend said that the guy i liked looked like him?? LIKE NO????

okay im done :3!!

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