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Category: Music

Music Diary 1: Oil of Every Pearl's Un-Insides by SOPHIE

I want to document new albums that I listen to on here, or at least try. These will mostly be first impressions and/or gushing about the artist. But anyway,

MAN. I'm almost speechless. OEPUI (which I'll call the album for brevity's sake) is a great of example of how Sophie's music transforms inside each track. I love that a song can go from harsh and clangy to energetic and sparkly. it's a characteristic that's most prominent in the PRODUCT EP (which i've listened to in full before this album and rlly enjoyed). OEPUI has smoother transitions, but the feeling of whiplash is still there.

It's especially apparent when It's Okay To Cry immediately swithes to Ponyboy and Faceshopping. I really like It's Okay To Cry. It's such a great way to open an album. Very vulnerable and kind of... airy? Floaty? soundwise. I do not know ANYTHING about music so my wording prolly isnt the best. BUT. This song is such a departure from what Sophie is known for. It's so beautiful and special.


I had listened to Faceshopping previously beforehand and didn't rlly get it at first, but upon further listening outside of this album, i grew fond of it. It gets stuck in my head from time to time!

Pretending and Whole New World/Pretend World are both such cool soundscapes. Pretending especially highlights the transformative and fluid characteristics of Sophie's work.

Immaterial gets a special mention cuz it made me get up and start dancing :D!!

Overall a beautiful album. Not exactly a put on whenever type album, but definitely worth a re-listen. Sophie, I wish you could've released more music to the world and transform pop music further. But for now i'm glad you created this :)<3

Favorite tracks: It's Okay To Cry and Immaterial

Thus concludes the first music diary entry! I hope to do more of these alongside some actual album reviews (i've got a list of some i have in mind). uhm. idk how to end this. goodnight!

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