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Category: Life

Daily life

Though id make this blog just in case anyone was curious of me, I will be talking about random things about me etc, warning there might be some stuff that isn't suitable for everyone 

I'm currently writing this at 00.43, it's late, I should be sleeping but again I can't, mostly because of insomnia, I have a hard time sleeping so I'm usually really active at night

I like talking at night, it feels like everything is more interesting.. everything is more calm and cool. I like to call my friends at talk them though the phone or even smoke togheder just to have some company 

I am usually alone, I don't really have anyone in life, at least from where I live now. I moved around two years ago in Germany, I used to live in Italy, I can't say life was really great there mostly because of my father but I had some friends that I still really care about. I travel for two days alone every year just to see them even if it's for a short time.

I am actually pretty friendly, a lot of people think I'm mean.. because I talk more roughly or sincere, but I mean no harm, I just try to be myself because hiding has been a part of me for too long, hiding is just an ugly thing, it ruins you, the image that you have of yourself in your head. Don't hide yourself 

I never go outside, I am more of an staying-at-home-all-day person, but it's because I don't got anyone here. 

In reality I like going outside, usually in places where there aren't people, like abandoned places or  Nature ones, like the woods.

It's so pretty, everything calm and silent, I like the breeze, the skies, small stuff that makes me happy.

I don't know what to write other than.. i as everyone else have so much stuff I could say, so many interesting , boring, long or short, stories about myself.. it's more about getting to know me.

Well this is the end.. or not?

Sometimes I write this stuff for myself, just to remember who I am, what I like, what I would like to do with my life... It helps writing, I used to have small journals that I would use everyday, but I stopped three years ago or smt I forgot exactly. But if you ever feel like you need to get your stuff togheder, writing casually about yourself can help. 

I may add more stuff to this blog later on, but for now, this is it.

3 Kudos


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