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Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities


No matter how cringey the first movie is, I think that I will never stop loving it. Ever since i first watched it in 2017, I've been attached and not only is the cinematography so beautiful but it just feels like home. It's like being home on a cold rainy day with your hot cocoa. It's so iconic and beautiful and it's one of the only movies I can rewatch from the start without getting bored and turning it off. Idk what type of drug they put in this movie but it just gives me the best type of chills and I hope i never stop loving it. I love Edward Cullen and the familial feeling the Cullens give off. And the crazy impossible romance it portrays, and even though the love triangle bit of the movie kinda sucks, I still wholeheartedly cherish the way it is. The marriage and honeymoon part, which is one of my favorites, until she fucking almost dies, it's so relaxing to watch and just makes me happy to see that the characters are happy and not completely struggling (Until they do).

Anyways i could go on and on about this but this is where i stop. If anything is a good icebreaker for me, it's literally anything that has to do with this movie, another one is being a vampire and its perks.

The books are a whole other level of interesting, definitely loved the books more after watching the movie, it changed the way I envisioned the characters and the vibe. okay bye now. 

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