After waiting for 47892348927439 months, I FINALLY got an email confirming that I got accepted to the Blerdcon Artist Alley! That was the last convention I was waiting to hear back from for this year. Which makes four conventions I'll be selling at. That the most amount of cons I've had booked in one year ever! Normally it's just two or sometimes like last year even one. But I'm going ALL IN this year!!

I actually am still waiting to hear back from Otakon, but after thinking on it for a few weeks, I've changed my mind & decided that even if I do get accepted that I won't go this year. It's just such a MASSIVE convention both price and attendee size wise, that I think it would be more trouble than it's worth to get in ans sell there. Selling at Magfest or Momocon is already exhausting, and both times I've sold at those conventions it was when they were one of only two conventions I sold at during the whole year. To already be selling at four conventions and THEN add a 40,000+ attendee fifth con on top?? No thanks. I'd turn into a husk. 

Plus last time I went to Otakon as a regular attendee just for the day it was a fucking nightmare just getting around. It was so goddamn packed with people they actually had to limit the crowd going into the dealers hall. And the manga library was just as loud as the rest of the con. Also I was in line for two hours just waiting to pick up my badge. So that kind of soured my opinion on how well Otakon is organized.

So yea after thinking on it, four is enough! Very much looking forward to it :D Especially since I haven't sold at a traditional video game/anime/sci-fi convention in over two years. Wish me luck yall!

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esoooo campeon, ve por ellos tigre :D

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