one piece figures

im showing off these figures i got for my birthday teehee

ace was a gift from my mom and i got him cause hes cool and i like him so YEAH

yamato was a gift from my cousin, aunt and uncle and while i havent seen him yet in the anime (im literally nowhere near wano) i wanted him cause like. HES COOL and has a nice design, hes actually on my desk so he gives me moral support when im doing school! 

ANDDD PERONA!! once again gift from cousin, uncle and aunt... literally love this figure so much but she takes up a lot of spaceBUT ITS OKAY cause its a cool figure omg i literally LOVE perona sm shes my favorite <3

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DanyG.'s profile picture

se ven geniales, quisiera una figura de zoro

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gracias :D!! yo tambien pero no tengo mucho espacio paras mas figuras Dx

by skinny_box✰; ; Report