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Category: Life

Mental Health Awareness

Hello and welcome to whoever see’s this. 

I wanted to take some time out of my day and let you know that you are loved. That your mental health matters to. 

If your currently (in the moment), struggling with your mental health here are some ideas Iv been using to help ease it a little. 

•Take (Bubble) Bath/Shower. Clear your mind and listen to the water

•Watch some funny videos on youtube. Theres a channel called The Boys I really find soothing. They make me giggle and Laugh. 

•Write a Poem. Its a short expression. No it doesnt have to rhyme or anything just do you. Write a few lines to express how you feel in the moment. 

•Scroll through the Layouts page here on SpaceHey. I find it adorable scrolling through the millions of cute and amazing ideas. (I personally Recommend cute small gifs. They make your page POP!)

Thats all I have for now. If I find anymore Ill edit this post. Remember, Even if nobody else is here, Ill be here. Im a Dm and friend request away. Even if we dont share similar content likings Ill still be friends (as long as you play roblox with me /Joke) 

Have a good one, Sam.

2 Kudos


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