Elias ^_^'s profile picture

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Category: Life

Abt me :S

name: Elias!

nickname: Eli

pronouns: They/Them

birthday: 10/20/09

siblings: 2 brothers and 1 sister

job: student :(

how old are you: 4teen

zodiac sign: Libra

what's your middle name?: idk how 2 spell it


hair color: Brown

hair type: Wavey

eye color: Blue!

height: 4’10….

ethnicity: white

look like a celeb: Idk!

dye your hair: Not dyed rn waiting 4 my mom to scedual an appointment

have braces: not anymore

wear glasses: I have them but i don't wear them (they ugly)

wear contacts: Nope

piercings: My ears r pierced still tryna get my mom to agree on a nose piercing

tattoos: 1 very very faded stick n' poke

body type: idk chubby ig?

do you think you are attractive?: not really


color: muted green

video game: Class of 09

tv show: idk

movie: The goldfinch/ Hereditary

animal: Racoon

food: Sushi

drink: coffee!!

day of the week: tuesday

season: FALL!!! <33

band/ artists: ALEX G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

holiday: i don't have one

book: The goldfinch :>

flower: Edelwiss


summer or winter: winter

cats or dogs: CATS

pepsi or coke: Coke

ocean or pool: Pool

black or white: black

chocolate or vanilla: chocolate

rock or rap: rock

tv or movie: Movie


bracelets or necklaces: bracelets

gold or silver: silver

mcdonalds or burger king?: mcdonalds

single or group dates?: single


favorite eye color: BROWN!!

favorite hair color: idk

short or long hair: Short

height: idk

body type: any!

does ethnicity matter: nuh

piercings: uh huh 

tattoos: idk

are you attracted to someone who does not know it: yes. :,(

would you like to be someones fantasy: erm idk


what is the last song you sang?: Tire Swing -Kimya Dawson

have you ever drank?: No

have you ever been drunk?: nope

have you ever smoked?: yes ( i didn't like it was yucky)

do you sing?: Yep!

do you want to go to college?: mhm

have you ever been in love?: maybe. idk

do you want to get married?: Someday

do you believe in yourself?: sometimes

do you believe in others?: depends

do you like thunderstorms?: YESS

do you play an instrument?: not very good but i have a Guitar, Keyboard and Uke 

what country would you like to visit?: Japan

how many CDs do you own?: none :(

how many DVDs do you own?: also none

how many tattoos do you have?: 1

how many piercings do you have?: would it count as 1 or 2 cause i have both of my ears pierced?

how many things in the past do you regret?: so much 

favourite shoes: converse

car: hear me out... Hearse.

place: School

cuddles in general?: what do that mean

what are you listening to?: Alex g (OFC)

is it raining?: Ye!

how many spacehey friends do you have?:   alot

are you happy?: headacheeeee

current location: school

have you ever ridden a mechanical bull: yes.

do you want to: no.

first thought when you wake up: im going back 2 bed

when is your bedtime: 9:30 pm (i stay up anyways fuck you mom)

what is your biggest pet peeve: idk theres a few

what do you want to be when you grow up: Maybe a music writer?

shoes you wore today: Pink converse :D

your weakness: I cry too easy

your fear: needles. and my mom.

goal you would like to achieve this year: make good grades

who is your bestest friend?: A and R my pookies <33333

your most cherished memory: i don't have one


what is todays date: 4/30/24

what time is it: 12:50

who are you thinking of: no one

do you love someone: idk maybe?

does someone love you: probably not-

are you happy: No my fuckin head hurts

1 Kudos


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