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Category: Blogging

im being impersonated!!!

I'm literally shaking right now. Someone has been impersonating me on Spacehey and it's the worst thing ever. I can't believe this is happening.

So, you all know that I LOVE to rant about my school crushes on my blog, but I NEVER use their real names because I respect their privacy. But this person, who calls themself "silkgrl" (my exact username?!) on Spacehey, has literally copied my blog post called "candle MY cRush!111" and put it on their profile. Like, how rude is that? They didn't even give me any credit!

And that's not even the worst part. In their about me, they wrote this totally concerning and scary thing that says "DON'T TALK TO CANDLE OR I'LL MAKE YOU EAT YOUR PARENTS HE'S MINE NO OTHER GIRL CAN DATE HIM EVEN THOUGH IT'S NORMAL FOR SOMEONE TO DATE MORE THAN ONE PERSON AT A TIME AS LONG AS THEY DON'T TRY TO HIDE IT FROM ANY OF THEIR PARTNERS." Umm, WHAT?! I would NEVER say anything like that, it's so messed up. And then they even had the audacity to comment "shut up" and use the N-slur on the comments area on my blog. I'm literally shaking with rage right now.

I just want everyone to know that this is NOT me and I am being impersonated. I would never say or do any of those horrible things. Please, if you see this account, block them immediately. I don't know who this person is or why they're doing this, but it needs to stop. I'm so upset and I just want my real blog back. Ugh, why do people have to be so mean and cruel on the internet? 

Anyway, thanks for listening to my rant. I'm going to try to get this impersonator taken down, but in the meantime, just know that I would never say or do any of those things. I'm the real silkgrl and I'm here for my cute school crushes and rants, not for any of that crazy impersonator stuff. 


10 Kudos


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