Rented some movies for the long weekend and just sort of wanted to write about em a lil, nothing crazy in depth. More of a series of opinions than reviews if anything
Minor spoilers ahead
Memories of Murder
On an initial viewing I really enjoyed the film right off the bat. The films pacing at times feels both quick and slow simultaneously. While the movie is 'about' detectives trying to catch a murder your more so watching their descent into desperation and frustration in failure. Watching them reach out to try and force the world to make sense. I also loved the use of colour throughout the film, its sets the mood expertly. Additionally the camera work was impressive, particularly the framing I thought was very nice. I'm also a big fan on how the colours, that are used as motifs, are blended in with the scenes in a way where you don't consciously recognize it but you get it subconsciously, very cool.
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
I thought this movie was good fun. The fight choreography was good and it never fully crossed the line into being fully ridiculous. It's really only when they do the martial arts flying when it looks a lil silly. The plot is certainly nothing mind blowing but nevertheless it gets the job done well.
Once again, I really enjoyed this movie. In particular I loved the visuals. All of the sets look great and each have their own distinct feel to them. Most notably the throne room and the library. The movie also uses specific colours (like that colour is everywhere) for specific parts of the film which kinda gives the movie a lil bit of an almost dreamlike vibe. As for the plot I really liked how it's showed to you. Having it told in a series of retellings and addendums is a really interesting move for this sort of movie.
Thanks for reading, maybe one day I'll write some actual in depth reviews lawl
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