Well, sorry I've been away for a few days, honestly the social media thing is not something I'm on 24 hours a day; I've been making recycled paper, watching movies, reading books, exploring the internet, etc.
Now I'm making new notebooks from recycled sheets, since I'm going back to some classes that I haven't had since the beginning of March and I need their respective notebooks. It will be useless, they will say that I would have to do everything on computer, more “ecological” (?) but sincerely adapting to the world of technology will take me until I finish my studies haha.
In total I made 3 notebooks, it's a lot of sheets, a lot of time of fabrication so 3 notebooks is the best. Now I'm taking my time to rest, I've been busy for many days and the body is dying, some waffles with dulce de leche imported from Argentina with a coffee with milk and recover. 💪
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