Poem #02 (tw: explicit content)

Survivor's Guilt. 

I said I would not run away again, but every 'new' person I've met leaves me in disdain. Someone come and assist this poor lamb, whose wool is goddamn bloody with a cut on her side. 

The bones ripping the seams open, I can feel it coming all out; "I think I like you"; I think I shouldn't have spoken. And even if I want to get on my knees and crawl, I can't because they're swollen. 

It's one of those things I say, but never meant. I'm no longer afraid to leave or speak, but to crush on someone again? I can't, I pay the consequences of my words; the predators came to give me my punishment. 

Everyone is just the same as any other.

And this is what I came across; I can't be with someone who doesn't care for themselves and expects me to be the ultimate fix. I just can't love someone who doesn't love themselves, and thinks my happiness is a bother.

I fed their temptation by offering my dear care; the wolves devoured every single piece of me, with nothing to spare, then the hyenas came and savored it so good, to the point of licking their fingers. 

Physical pain is inevitable, but it's the emotional hurting that’s sempiternal, it forever lingers. 

But even though I want to kill him with my bare hands, my heart no longer ignites in ire, I guess I've got a grip of it. I turned into a woman now, that's what he said the last time we ever talked.

And with all the right of the world you can say it; you're the reason why sadly I changed. If I'm going to Hell, I'll drag you with me into the deeper pit.

POEM BY AMY JADE, AKA @iMonsterkive. 


3 Kudos


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AyanoDQB 's profile picture

I don't see much poem on Spacehey, and actually it was pretty good!
Can't wait to read more.

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Thank you sooooo much! (*´˘`*)♡

by Amy Jade; ; Report