the internet is truly the festering cesspool of hell born from modern society.

i keep wondering about stupid things, like how was this thing called 'life' created? some believe in god, some say science, but the real question is, if there is actually someone that has somehow created universes and life, what's their purpose? what are they trying to do? i don't get it.

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kitkatanddog's profile picture

the truth seems to be that there is no objective purpose. from this I derive that the lack of objective purpose is to give us the freedom to experience the joy that it is to be alive. well, that's not the whole story. I do believe that we are sent here to serve the greater collective in some way, but that doing so will allow us to experience the greatest glory of ourselves as parts of the universe. our purpose, beyond all else, is really just to be happy. I hope to be happy myself one day, & hope that happiness finds you as well.

the internet, in contrast, can indeed be quite hellish. but the least we can do is share our own hope with those who are willing to listen. there is no point fighting otherwise.

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moss's profile picture

corny yaaawwn

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Revenant's profile picture

I think the answer is that we all have our own reasons to exist. I don't believe in god but I believe we should take care of mother nature. I don't believe Mother Nature is a real "person" or a higher power of some sorts but I'd rather believe in something that I can feel, touch, taste, smell than some "being" that apparently created us all in a big bowl in the sky or something. But I do believe the internet has warped peoples perception of reality and expectations of reality. I think people should spend less time online and go out and experience your surroundings at the very least. There's no easy answer for "happiness" or why we were put on this earth, but everybody has their own reasons for being here, or choosing why to stay here. I don't believe in an after life, so it would seem like there's no reason to live. Religion, and things like the internet has fucked with our senses on how we should be living, that we don't stop and think why we are living and unfortunately, that's something that you need to decide for yourself.

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