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Dang. School really got the best of me. I mean I'm beginning finals rn. It's stressful as usual. But now I have developed a good routine way to get my entries done. Instead of trying it remember a chronology of my day. Or the feelings. Im instead going to write the feelings as they happen on my daily notes. Then add them into this before sleeping. It will keep me in check and I won't have to attempt to remember a bunch of shung when I'm lit or anything. 

So, waking up was so miserable bc I woke up from a stress dream and felt like sleeping again, only for my alarm to go off just three seconds after. Pissed me off. I was proud to be at work early. Haven't don't that in months. I was hyped to buy the mints I forgor existed. They take me back. I felt satisfied to finally learn to take a passport picture in my department. I was annoyed bc Andrew was more shy than I thought and refused to be the subject. But a random customer came in clutch when accepting my offer to practice the pic. I was amused during a double tv carryout when they had broken seats and struggled for like 15 minutes to fix the seats while i was holding the TV in limbo. Had fun watching the office. I also had a blast in the HC of with W., C., and V. I felt fat for eating a lot. But oh well, I need to stop acting like the one millimeter double chin is the end of my world. Weight isn't my concern rn. Health is. I am at a squishy and good size for being boyfriend material. And I dreaded more finals. That was my day. Also happy to give L. Her knuckles figurine but sad I couldn't play helldiver's cus glitch. R.I.P.

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