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Category: Travel and Places

Just got back

Just got back from the Bahamas and it fucking sucked ass! The beaches were nice but I hate beaches, the sand gets all up in your ass crack and open wounds, the seagulls stole my fucking chicken patty and pasta salad. The bugs feasted on my delightful sun-burned skin which ended up peeling off later because my dumb ass forgot to reapply sun screen. I stayed in a room that had black mold growing in it, both toilets were clogged when I arrived and that's fine you know? I can unclog a toilet just fine, but one of them refused to stop clogging, and I got so pissed I broke off the flusher handle, but at least there was another toilet so it was fine. When I got back home my wounds were purple and leaking yellow puss and the doc put me on this wild dose of anti-biotics, I'm talking four, 500 mg pills a day. I got to crack open some coconuts, though. The palm trees were amazing. Climate change be rising the ocean temperatures, though, the reefs are dying and the fish are loosing they homes! real sad shit. Despite the sand in my ass, I would like to go back. I hate being back on the school grind, in the rain and cold of Seattle, but what can you do? Anyways, just got back on this website after a year or two, I came back hoping to meet new online friends because I suck at talking IRL.

I also came home with a terrible and ominous pain in my jaw that stuck around and it's ruining my fucking mood. That's why I went to doctor after I got home, I was scared I contracted tetanus because my insane mother has never gotten me vaccinated. She believes the vaccines cause autism. Crazy, right? The wound wasn't that deep though, so we wassall good. I saw the international space station fly through the sky while I was there, it was pretty sick. I contributed to the local economy, too. Ate conch patties and shit, shit was good. I went into wet ass cave, there was graffiti on every inch  of every wall, but it didn't ruin the experience. I saw some graffiti from 1858, pretty sick. It reminded me of my own desire to get into graffiti, specifically street art stuff, but unfortunately my parents hate graffiti with a burning passion, even the legal street art stuff. Anyways I hung on the beach at night, and saw the stars except I didn't because the moon was too damn bright. The island sand is cold at night. I also stepped on a shit load of conch shells while I was messing around, it hurt. The conch fishermen leave the shells on the shores n shit so that unsuspecting tourists cut their feet. I scored two sick ass T-Shirts. It was all cooler than I originally gave it credit for; It didn't suck ass, it sucked steaming hot dick, which may or may not be better depending on how you look at it.

Once again, it really wasn't that bad, I'm just a whiny ungrateful little bitch as per usual but its okay, that's just how I roll and I'm not ever changing. If you're looking to go on a vacation, you should totally go to down to the Bahamas, all of the islands are great. they have coconuts there, too, but the thing to remember about coconuts is: if you eat too much, you get very fat. They are big, big nuts after all. But that was fine with me, I love swallowing big nuts, especially the stuff that's inside of them; The coconut water. unfortunately while I was gone I missed the Homestuck Requiem Café event, which I really wanted to go to but it's okay. Homestuck is for dumb nerds anyways.

(7 buried, 0 found)

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