HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN GRAPHICS (stamps, stickers, gifs, ect)

HELLO. Here's some websites I use to make my own graphics!

Online Image Editor-

This lets you add glitter effects, cool frames, text, glitter text, little animations, and more!! you can use it to make stupid stuff, stamps, memes, glitter texts, and blinkies! it's a little janky to use but i find it quite charming.

furby blinkiefurbycat in a flaming hellscape asking for 1 billion dolalrs

this website is a lifesaver. I use it to optimize images, make images, crop images, all sorts of things but you can also use it to make gifs! if i'm being completely honest i haven't made a gif on here in years but it's very easy. If you want to make 'traditional' blinkies like the ones in blinkie cafe, this is how you do it. Unlike OIE, you can't actually MAKE the image in ezgif, you just compile frames or use a video clip. 

If you want to make a blinkie for example, you can make a couple frames in Paint:
(What i did was set the canvas size to 90x20, outlined it in dots about 4 dots apart, added text, saved that as blinkie1, and then 'moved' the dots over 2, sand saved that as blinkie2)

and pop them into Ezgif gif maker, set the delay to around 15+, and you have your own blinkie!

[resize output image]

wow!! ok go run wild and have fun!! your computer cpu is the limit!

0 Kudos


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