I’m about to fucking cry

I just feel so miss understood sometimes and when others miss understand me it usually leads to bad stuff happening, especially when it comes to my parents, and because of that I start feeling like it’s my fault if others don’t understand me, and I start to blame myself, and hate myself, and think of how everything could be better if I just didn’t say anything.

I also can’t show them how upset I am because they’ll just miss understand that as well and I just don’t know what the fuck to do. 

Sometimes I just think that it would be better if I never existed because I’m fucking tired of this shit.

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Someday you will have all eternity to not exist. Until then I would suggest trying to enjoy this one chance at existing. Yeah, it's hard and it's frustrating but there's loads of lovely and pleasant things to experience so you might as well go for it.

Yaknow, like pizza. Or ice cream. But not ice cream on pizza. That is a mistake.

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I’ve seen some put Nutella on pizza and as an Italian it hurts so much to see.

Also I still have to finish my Skylanders collection so I still have a lot to do.

by ⊕ΨPirate_SalmonidkingΩ⊕; ; Report