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Category: Blogging

Slice of life blog post 27/04/24

Slice of life blog post 27/04/24

Hello friends! I hope you are all well!!

Last week was wonderful, this week a bit of a wash but still learnt encouraging things!

Last week I did my first two full night shifts, and they were a great success! Like a sleepover haha. It made me feel closer to my colleagues, and I even slept with one of ths stray cats there nestled up beside me one night ^^ I didn’t sleep much and it was hard to relax again after the phone went off a couple times, but I still felt invigorated each morning!

I danced to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQtjQLg-cWY as I made everyone tea and got the animals breakfast, feasting on cinnamon porridge and cavorting in the laundry room where the first rays of sun were shining through ^^

This means I can get more full nights, and use this to bolster my application to veterinary nursing school! And the extra money is a nice cherry on top too ^^

I should earn enough to start paying my student loan, and maybe buy a nice second hand car to travel to college with…. That would be nice ^^


Alas, this week has been a bit of a wash for me, though one nice thing that happened was  two stray kittens were brought in and I helped socialise them and feed them milk ^^ And then the next day, they found the probably mother and reunited them and they’re such a cute little happy family now ;;

Earlier in the week I experienced a truly foul, dark mood – I wished harm on myself and others, and felt as though I had lost all hope. I managed to ride it out and keep myself safe, fulfilling all my duties and it passed once I’d gotten some better sleep ^^

I also really didn’t want to go out the other day, but I did, and collected my contact lenses from a lovely man in specsavers, and got petrol, and admired the new spring blooms in the fields… though they smelt recently manured ^^;

I also took a wrong turning and became flustered and paranoid, but then I saw a cute round cat in a driveway. It slow blinked at me and I felt it was encouraging me and forgiving my folly. Thank you kind cul de sac cat, may your days be forever blessed :3

Aah, I also forgot to buy food for this weekend and so my mum did, and I felt bad for stressing her more… alas I tried to cook ramen and ruined the first batch, and almost caused an oven fire as I almost forgot to remove the paper, but I persevered and it turned out delicious in the end!

So yes we shall stride onward into the uncertain grey, focus on the warmth in our hearts and eachothers hands and cultivate the spring blooms and bees! We shall persevere!

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