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Category: Life

school drama

help im literally being harassed by my ex bsf's friend who doesnt know what went down (there was a fight between my friend and my ex bsf's new bsf) and wasnt even there :((((((( she's making up all kinds of stories about how im a crybaby and i'm trying to protect my "reputation" by posting abt who won (it was a tie, i have no rep cuz literally everyone hates my entire friendgroup)

 any suggestions on what i shoul do??????

also they literally want to beat ts out of me 4 no reason and they are going to, and they've called me the f slur mutiple times (i'm transmac n i have a girlfriend)

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eepy's profile picture

I can tell you from experience that the school will not help you. Report it anyway. Keep reporting it to the school. Post online. Record videos and post those online. Take screenshots. Make sure to check you're state's laws to see if it's a 1-party consent state. If it is one party consent, record with your phone in your pocket. If it's two party consent, make sure they see the phone. If they do get physical of you get proof (audio recording, video recording, screenshot) of them directly threating you, go to the police and file a report. The police will do nothing about veiled threats. It has to be "we will [blank]" or "we're going to do [blank] to you." Leave a trail. Everything you do, keep record of. i.e. keep a diary or keep making blogs. Be able to prove where you were and what you were doing at all times. Snap Chat is actually really good for this. You can out a date and time stamp on everything and if you save it to your phone, snapchat permanently saves it in the app.
I'm sorry you're having to go through this my guy

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