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Category: Games

Some videogames i have played lately

Arias Story (9/10)

I alredy knew about this game but didnt remember anything, so i played it after some years, absolutely AMAZING, the OST is damn good for a small game and definetly one of my favourite RPGs, i gave it a 9 because im stupid and had to use a guide 80% of the time so it was a little less cool but thats my fault.

Flesh, Blood & Concrete (10/10)

Absolute masterpiece. The art is fantastic and i really like the slavic inspiration. I love how gross it is, very good, nothing else to say, PLAY IT. 

(maybe not if you are sensitive to flesh and meaty type of things idk)

ACONITE (beta) (10/10)

Very very cute, reminds me of omori, and, it seems like the game is definetly going for similar themes. The character design is very cute and the characters look interesting, i also like the names of the characters, cant wait for the full version.

No Players Online (5/10)

My heart rate did not enjoy this game.

Liar Liar (in general, because there are multiple games) (8/10)

It is obiously one of those things that started as a joke but then got attention so it started getting serious, and its great. Play the games, they are like 2 minutes long.

Honorable mention to Funny Business,  (69/69) very real.

all of this games are available for free at !!

4 Kudos


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SalchiVane's profile picture

I love these kind of games because they're the only my laptop can run lol , gonna check that web, thanks!!

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overcomplexification's profile picture

speaking of good free games on

you should definitely try Voices of the Void, if you haven't already ofc.

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i have not but it seems interesting, i will play it!

by Sammito; ; Report