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Category: Life

I want to start a youtube channel, thoughts?

I want to start making videos, stuff like gaming commentary, book reviews, talking about media I like, short films, video essays maybe, just general yapping. I don't know if I could make any sort of content that would be profitable or picked up by the algorithm though, I also don't think I'm "content funny." I am funny but can I be funny and consistently entertaining for 3 hours straight, I don't think so. But I still think I should make a YouTube even if it isn't profitable, a personal channel is cool too I think. If anyone with a YouTube channel sees this I'm open to receiving advice, or just anyone thoughts and opinions on the matter.

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Jonathan Ray

Jonathan Ray's profile picture

You should not worry about what the algorithm has to say about your content. You should also not worry (too much) about what other people have to say about what you make. I make YouTube videos and have been for most of my life and I must say you should be authentic with what you make. The more time you spend making content and engaging with the online community, the more you will learn to navigate it! Good videos come from creative hearts, and skill built over time, and luck imo!

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Gluma's profile picture

Never had a YouTube channel, but I'd say go for it if you just want to talk about the stuff you enjoy and anything else, for that matter. However, if profit is a main goal of yours, definitely don't expect it to be instant :o or to be instantly making a lot when you start making profit. Maybe there's outliers but it seems like a lot of channels who do make decent pay very much had to build their way up to it.

While I don't know if the channels are making any profit from it (and how much), there are a lot of popular video essays on YouTube. In fact, maybe it's just my personal recommendations, but it seems like it's a bit of a trend, actually. Well, specifically, it's usually the video essays that talk about some niche thing nobody has ever heard of that are popular and I'm certain that a big chunk of why they're popular is due to them being scripted/edited well.

As for the "consistently funny" part, while it's true a more entertaining video will attract a lot more people, if you're making your videos purely for yourself, I'm sure you'll still attract an audience, if a bit smaller! A benefit there could be that you'll be attracting people who are more catered to your personality and personal content, compared to the people who would be attracted to the content/personality you made solely for the purpose of hitting the algorithm

Idk, personally, I was, and still am, never a big fan on making anything with the goal of gaining attention from people. However, it's not impossible to make some money off of your interests if that's what you truly want :0

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Thank you for the advice, I would like to be able to make a profit from something like YouTube but I could never imagine making stuff solely catered to an algorithm like you were saying. I think the whole appeal of profiting from YouTube to me would be that I'd be profiting from myself and what I want to do, so I think the whole adhering to the algorithm thing is lame. I just want to make what I want and hope that it profits, and if it doesn't I'll see it as a personal project. My big issue with this whole thing is starting it, I've already decided I'm going to do it but it's pretty difficult to just start doing it.

by GarfieldEnthusiast; ; Report

Also sorry if any parts of that response are confusing or incoherent, I haven't gotten much sleep this week and I think my words are less organized because of it.

by GarfieldEnthusiast; ; Report

Your response is fine! I'm typing this at 3 AM so it's not like I can even complain LMAO
And I see :o
Since, at the end of the day, you're doing this for yourself, I think any video should be fine, imo. You don't have to immediately start working on some lengthy video if you don't want to. A short video where you discuss some topic or play some game will attract the people associated with said topic/game, even if it's a tiny amount. Though, I'd personally post videos on various topics from the get-go just so I don't accidently create an audience who subbed solely to see a specific type of content from me :0

Then again, all of this is ultimately your decision ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm sure that as long as your on people's radar with whatever you do, you'll gain enough attention to the point you can profit something out of it I mean, I'm no YouTuber but still

by Gluma; ; Report

Yeah, I think I'll do something like that. Your advice has been helpful, thank you

by GarfieldEnthusiast; ; Report