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Category: Blogging

idk/Blogpost #8

As usual, this is me talking nonsense at myself, if u dont want that then get outta here ya little scamp. off u go

Music is so good, i dont get how ppl just exist in silence most of the time. like... if u got the choice, listen to music. its just better, and you dont need to hear yrself think. win-win yk. man my emotions are both all over the place and dull, this is wild. i wanna.............................................................................. that is against site policy 2 say. also US law. sorry president for thinking violence. (not rly tho. fuck u joe)

man the site rules ban all the fun stuff. violence, crime, nudity, none of its allowed. whats up w/ that. goddamn prudes, i wanna threaten violence on ppl! cmon. well wait theres nazis here probably. nevermind very good on you dont allow hate speech and stuff thats important

maybe if only I could threaten ppl.. yeah. if only i could break the rules things would be cool. no fun now tho. mmm i wanna smoke, ugh alright. lame ass.. lack of ability to just summon things i want. :/

all the things that i wanna say rn will get my account suspended... i wonder if anybody actually checks these tho. maybe. should i make a personal website? that would be freeing at least, but itd take time and stuff.

ughhhh i wanna go out tonight but im already so tired, and i dont have any fucking.. anything caffeine. lame as hell, i stg.

oh ik smthn to talk about. have you ever run from the cops before? its *thrilling*. just putting aside all yr worries and shit and just putting everything to getting away from these fucking guys, its great. its so much fun. a shame its so risky. also implies illegal stuff, which im not promoting @spacehey moderation guys. just fyi. DO not DO CRIME

whatever, im already out of shit to say. have a better day tomorrow than u did today or whatever, peace out nerds.

0 Kudos


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