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Category: Life

nintendogs grind!

helo spacehey!!! it's been a while since i updated about literally anything here lol. haven't been able to add and build anything on my profile too, i kinda miss doing stuff here but life has been busy!!!!!!!! i've been focusing on my final project for school (i want to graduate this year) (while also being distracted so much lmao) so i haven't been to update this blog with so much i wanted... making animation is totally exhausting but i like doing it lol but it does drain my energy a Lot T_T)b... i already have some blogs to write in mind but Nevermind that im kinda unavailable to commit in writing a lot of stuffs now... i kinda want to make Think Pieces for some records i got earlier but i guess another time for that!

anyways i have been playing nintendogs! please look at my boys:

my boys!!!

my boys!!!

yeah!!! i've gotten them since last year but i haven't really played nintendogs a lot lately. it was one of my favourite games ever back in the ds days but unfortunately there's so much thing to do these days ahhh! X-( back then i used to have a beagle named Bruno (named after my piano teacher's dog haha) and i spent so much time with him! i got a lot of other dogs too but none left a big impact such as bruno did. one day last year i suddenly just missed him so much So! i decided to get a copy of nintendogs on my laptop. but do i want to replicate bruno and the times i used to spent with him? no i guess! i will let him (his codes... idk where because my ds' r4 was wiped out...) rest in peace... love you legend... he and many of my pokemons from the sinnoh era are already in digital heaven.. <3

not my copy but look at this jp shiba and friends cover!!!! so cute!!!!

not my copy but look at this jp shiba and friends cover!!!! so cute!!!!

and then there i go with my new, fresh Nintendogs Best Friend copy! now that i got it last year, of course i named them over my Token Favourite White Boys at the time (and still!), Brian, Dennis, and Carl from The Beach Boys! ^_^ but actually i got dennis first, then carl, lastly brian on this game lol. their personalities match the boys' as well! even though it makes it kinda tricky to train them on certain skillsets lolol. Dennis is especially really good at agility! he's already a runner up in the championship level and he's on his way to get to the top definitely!

speaking about tricky, nintendogs sure is a GRINDY video game!!!!! it takes really long to gather trainer points and unlock home decorations which are my target in the game... i really want to get the seaside interior deco but it takes 12000 trainer points to unlock and a crazy sum of 50k!!! currently i'm only at 3000 something trainer points and 2k something money lmao. i guess i will somehow get it if i'm patient enough...

seaside interior deco!   more seaside interior deco~

seaside interior deco~☆

getting items are really rare!!!! when i was little i used to play a copy with cheat codes (not sorry nintendo lol) so everything was already unlocked on my copy. now that i want to play it clean it takes so long to collect items! T_T especially in-game records... i've only got surprise record so far and all it does is scare my dogs lmao. nintendogs rng game is kinda crazy ngl.

also this is kinda gonna be a nintendogs rant lmao but i find it kinda annoying that. uh. i usually play nintendogs at night so naturally i would take the boys for a walk at night... but none of the night npc neighbours' dogs are friendly to my boys T___T .... i kinda need to play at afternoons to get them better mood after walks but schedule just Won't Let Me.. it is what it is...

but yeah despite all that nintendogs is such a lovely game!!!! it makes me feeling full of joy all the time despite it being just sets of code and pixels. also slightly (very?) related but this month i lost my betta fish panyol, presumably to his old age... i was super devastated about it but i feel better now, and i wish, hope, pray, and know he is already swimming easy in heaven now! having pets, companions, and friends is such a sentimental and wonderful experience, truly make me happy and that way i know i feel the love that fills this world.

panyol last year!!! still mighty and jolly :D

panyol last year!!! still mighty and jolly :D

dennis and carl last year :) (my laptop hadn't been updated yet!!!)

dennis and carl last year :) (my laptop hadn't been updated yet!!!)

and i thought it'd be nice to share a song everytime i share a blog post! :D

currently i am super obsessed with chicago (the band!!!!) but i think i'm going to just Yap about them in a dedicated post lol so yeah here have some bangers i listened to a lot back then, probably my favourite song at some point! it's uchuu elevator by capsule, one of my favourite artists ever! i still love it so much to this day though :D

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