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Category: Web, HTML, Tech

Change the Games, TV, Heros tabs.

.details-table tr:nth-child(4) td:first-child p { /* Optionally, you can hide the original text and replace it with "TV" */ font-size: 0; /* Hide the original text by setting font-size to 0 */ }
.details-table tr:nth-child(4) td:first-child p::after { content: "TV"; /* Replace the original text with "TV" using ::after pseudo-element */ font-size: 12px; /* Set font-size for the replacement text */ font-family: 'Palanquin', sans-serif; /* Set font family to Palanquin */ }
.details-table tr:nth-child(5) td:first-child p { /* Optionally, you can hide the original text and replace it with "Books" */ font-size: 0; /* Hide the original text by setting font-size to 0 */ }
.details-table tr:nth-child(5) td:first-child p::after { content: "Books"; /* Replace the original text with "Books" using ::after pseudo-element */ font-size: 12px; /* Set font-size for the replacement text */ font-family: 'Palanquin', sans-serif; /* Set font family to Palanquin */ }
.details-table tr:nth-child(6) td:first-child p { /* Optionally, you can hide the original text and replace it with "Heroes" */ font-size: 0; /* Hide the original text by setting font-size to 0 */ }
.details-table tr:nth-child(6) td:first-child p::after { content: "Heroes"; /* Replace the original text with "Heroes" using ::after pseudo-element */ font-size: 12px; /* Set font-size for the replacement text */ font-family: 'Palanquin', sans-serif; /* Set font family to Palanquin */ }
You must have max 4 links. then now you can change, tv (4), books (5) and heroes (6) th whatever you like.
also chatgpt wrote this and why the max three limit on the links one is because due to how spacehey is coded, the interests and links uses the same div class. so table-section is all for the div.cov.w-40.left regardless, interest and links share the same class..
Add it to your css style sheet but change it to match your font and font size.

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