Hello guys and gals
Hello guys and gals, I am proud to announce that Lukas Zone 2.3 has officially released.
Before we begin, let me explain a recent conflict going on regarding Lukas Zone.
Before Lukas Zone 2.3 was released, my Dell Inspiron 530 (the computer in which I mostly program Lukas Zone on) was showing signs of its end of life. It was running very low on disk space and memory and at random, the index.htm file got corrupted.
After some investigation, the file was working on notepad and most browsers at a slow pace. I decided to paste the index to Neocities when I got greeted with a message that Firefox crashed.
I launched numerous attempts to save the index file in which all of it failed, except for when I transferred the directory through USB. After analyzing the file, I realized that 20 million characters have been created through a keyboard malfunction that occurred while I was making the finishing touches on my ROG laptop.
I cleared the characters (by pasting both halves) and everything functioned as intended.
Lukas Zone 2.3, what changed:
New watch my videos badge with image maps. A modified version of the YouTube variant.
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