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RO DBT info link

I loled reading about this, it's like it was created for schizoids with "overcontrol" who are able to "delay gratification" forever. XD

Some copypasta from the link above:

"Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy (RO DBT) is a new evidence based treatment targeting a spectrum of disorders characterized by excessive self control, often referred to as overcontrol (OC). It is supported by 20 years of clinical experience and translational research that parallels established guidelines for treatment development (e.g., UK Medical Council, 2008; Rounsville & Carroll, 2001; 2006).

Self-control – the ability to inhibit competing urges, impulses, behaviors, or desires and delay gratification in order to pursue future goals

RO DBT significantly differs from other treatment approaches, most notably by linking the communicative functions of emotional expression to the formation of close social bonds and via skills targeting social-signaling and changing neurophysiological arousal. RO DBT treatment involves both individual treatment sessions and skills training classes, and centers around five OC themes: inhibited and disingenuous emotional expression; hyper-detailed focused and overly cautious behavior; rigid and rule-governed behavior; aloof and distant style of relating; and high social comparison and envy/bitterness."

I'm focused and abstract and overly cautious, for sure. Rule governed, inhibited emotional expression. Aloof and distant. Called a Vulcan or AI or android by people who are "glad not everyone is as cold and logical as me." lulz

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