relationship advice plzzz

I think he doesn't care anymore. Honestly, I kinda miss how things were before, as friends. And this is some sort of fear I've always had when I like someone, is that I might not be able to be completly open to them in fear of losing them (especially now in an official relationship) or that they distance themselves due to the same. In fact, although I worry about him a lot, he is colder than before or straight up ignoring, and although I try my best, things don't seem to be improving. I'll keep my cool but I do feel that maybe I believed too much.

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degen_aphrodite13's profile picture

fax listen to that other guy who commented.... sometimes the quote of "if they wanted to they would" is painfully true. it'll hurt for like a week or so and then you'll be fine!!! believe that you are one tough cookie and this wont knock u down good luck

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deploygirlfriend's profile picture

How long were you two friends for, and as friends, did you ever have any serious conversations?
If you're going to date a friend, you need to make sure you two actually understand each other's issues and know how to communicate or resolve them. Usually when friends date, they expect it to go well because they've already known each other for a certain amount of time... but, seriously, what did you guys ever DO with that time together?

You don't need to answer, but you should think about it.

Now here's the real advice; break up. If you can't open up/you're scared to, the relationship will never work out. You need to have a partner you actually feel comfortable with, and if they shun you for opening up or you're just nervous to, you're better off finding someone else.
The best you can do is try to test the waters and ask "how do you feel about [...]" or whatever you need to open up about. However, I also feel you should just break up and act like the relationship never happened if he's becoming colder with you. It sounds like he's not happy with the relationship, either.

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Honestly, thank you so much. It really helped me to reconsider many aspects of the relationship. I was very confused due to being my very first experience ;-;; thx again, this serves for me not only now but for the future too.

by Emily; ; Report