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Category: Blogging


Hello,how is everyone?  Im okay, I think. I've been very creative lately, in terms of websites... NOT DRAWING THO >o< I've been so bad at drawing stuff lately, idk why. I think I will try to draw tomorrow... I'll probably sleep soon, cus I stayed up until 1 last night coding.. Also, I was sad earlier, and my dearest Girlfriend cheered me up. Shes so sweet.  And I went to the store and got a really good rice bowl, and some stuff for writing... Other than that, today was boring and I was tired all day.. so, yeah, I will sleep soon.

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astra 𓏲

astra 𓏲's profile picture

AWWWWWWWE! I LOVE U SO MUCH! C・': you're so sweet! i'm sure your art creativity will come back, just give it time! you got this! :'・>

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Thank u dear aauuuuhh!!<3

by mai; ; Report