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Category: News and Politics

Your Politics Won't Save You

You know, I think a lot about politics for someone who doesn't consider themself political.

Not even thinking about "who's right" or "who's wrong", just thinking about why and how politics went from something that people only gave a shit about every four years at max to something everyone is talking about 24/7.

It didn't used to be like this, I'm certain of it. There was a time when people didn't know what was going on a county over, much less a state away, even less a country away. War was always in the back of people's minds, not at the forefront of every conversation with every random passerby you met on the street on any given day. There was a time when what was going on in the house down the street was completely unknown, those days are long gone.

But why though? For what purpose did people throw away their willing ignorance of the plights that plague society, and start obsessing over their choice of stuffed shirt who claims they'll right every wrong and turn the ship around once and for all?

I personally blame the algorithms, social media, the InterNet at large - you know the rigamarole, I won't bore you with it.

I think the moment that I truly stopped being political was when the winds started picking up. It was about 3 years ago, and a bunch of supercell storms were on their way to my neck of the woods, and I was bunkered down in the flimsiest concrete room we could get to as a storm that had produced multiple F5 tornadoes barreled over us. There, surrounded by my closest family members, I realized that no one in office at any point in the hierarchy could stop something like that. They couldn't save anyone who was swept away by the storm, they couldn't mitigate any of the damage done to homes and property that had already been done, and at the end of the day - no matter what - there would always be a fish that was too big for them to fry. At that moment I realized that there was a lot of shit that I should be worried about - but none of it was political.

Go ahead, pick a side, stick with them, buy a hat and put a sign out on your front lawn, pound the pavement and try to rally some support and tell yourself "We'll really get 'em this time" - none of it's gonna help you when it starts raining and the ceiling starts leaking, and the roads start flooding, and the neighborhood starts getting swept away by a tidal wave that no one was prepared for, because they were too busy fighting over "this guy" or "that guy".

If only you knew how different things could be.

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caweyka's profile picture

"I'm terrified at the moral apathy." - James Baldwin.

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I long for the moral apathy like you wouldn't believe. I'm tired, I am so damn tired of the rigamarole. I don't know 99% of the people in office, and I can't bring myself to care anymore - but other people keep trying to rope me back in. I used to work at a gas station - there would be customers who'd spend an hour pissing away their life savings on $2 lotto scratchers, all the while trying to rope me into conversations about "Didya hear about this war?" "Didya see what X did on the news?" "Who are ya voting for?".

Not my monkeys, not my circus. Anytime I'd tell them I refused to be a part of it all they'd look at me like I'd slighted them personally - they couldn't fathom someone wanting out of it all.

I got no horse in the race anymore, I just want a patch of land I can build a bunker on and spend my life watching old tapes in.

by Seth; ; Report

You do, in fact, have a horse in the race. You can't just turn away, you're not untouchable. I understand feeling resigned to your fate, but that doesn't make it any better.

by caweyka; ; Report

No, I have no horse in this race whatsoever. No politician, no group dedicated to politics, no advocates, no none of that are gonna "save me" or my ideas - because my ideas and ideals aren't represented in any body of the US government - local, state, or Federal - and they probably won't be, ever.

Because all I want is to be left to my own devices - and the entire point of politics is to stick you fingers in other people's business.

No horse in the race, no allegiance to any party or politician, no want to "enter the rat race on my own terms" - I'm out of it entirely.

by Seth; ; Report

What are your ideas?

by caweyka; ; Report

I just said.

"I want to be left to my own devices."

That is my final stance on everything.

I'm of the belief that what a man wants most in life will tell you a lot about his ideas - I want a small patch of land that I can put a bunker on (so I don't have to worry about Tornados), and I wanna sit in that bunker watching VHS tapes and playing old ass video games until I croak - politics doesn't factor into that at all.

by Seth; ; Report

What's your fave game to play then in the bunker

by caweyka; ; Report

Damn man, I got too many favorites.

I play Tony Hawk's Underground 2 all the way through at least once a year - that's Story mode and Classic mode. I'm also a very big fan of the Fallout games - never played 76, probably won't - and I've been on a 1 and 2 kick as of late. Aside from that, many of the Rockstar titles on the PS2, as well as plenty of odds and ends on the NES (I emulate those though, hard to find the original hardware at a reasonable price these days).

Politics still don't play into any of these.

by Seth; ; Report

I personally like Disco Elysium and Dark Souls, but Hi-Fi Rush is good too, shame the studio was shut.

by caweyka; ; Report


GrundyPuppet's profile picture

I agree, but I also think recently people have started to get more and more political because big wars are now happening, and there are many problems that there weren't really that big years ago... Maybe, it's just what I think. But yes, social media defently helped this a lot...

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GrundyPuppet's profile picture

I agree, but I also think recently people have started to get more and more political because big wars are now happening, and there are many problems that there weren't really that big years ago... Maybe, it's just what I think. But yes, social media defently helped this a lot...

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When has there not been a big war? For twenty years starting right after 9/11 we had "The War on Terrorism", prior to that we had "The War on Drugs", prior to that we had a variety of conflicts against the USSR is proxy wars all over the globe, and so on and so forth. Just ten short years ago, when we were still dicking around in the Middle East proper, I cannot recall the common man caring as much as they do now. I'll call a spade a spade, if there ain't a draft or the threat of immediate nuclear annihilation (we fuck around in countries with no nuclear capabilities most of the time) - then I don't see why the common man gives a shit.

by Seth; ; Report