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Category: Life

NO.2 I'm bored

After 2 weeks of school post-spring break, I finally have some free time and I wake up on a clear summer-like Saturday, and I'm so bored! I want to do stuff, but I don't want to do anything at all either!

I wanted to draw since I didn't have as much time to, but I've been going through my files and retweets for about an hour or two and just came to the conclusion, "I don't feel like it."

Then, when I don't draw, my next option is to write! Since I need to get back onto working on Antagonism, writing in this free time I (finally) have is something I should definitely do! Then again, I don't feel like it.

I wanted to also redo my portfolio website. Beforehand, I had used wix, but I hate wix for multiple reasons now and I'm done with these free custom website builders because my only option for design is corporate minimalism! I'm exaggerating obviously, but even things like carrd have their limits. So, I was planning to make my portfolio website with neocities, since it has the most freedom while being free. The issue is, I have to go and actively think and learn html, so in the end, I don't feel like it. 

Another option is to play Roblox, level up my character on World:Zero. Yeah, I just don't feel like it.

I could also go and watch some anime or find some manga or manhwa to read, or watch a movie even. Searching for something good though is annoying, it takes me hours only to end up watching something lame. Again, I don't feel like it. 

My next option is to do some of my discussion replies for a class of mine, which I will do after I'm done writing this post, but after that, I don't have anything else to do.

There's also the option of studying my IB exams, which is literally in two weeks. Yeah, not happening.

It's irritating, I want to do something fun but at the same time I don't want to do anything! 

3 Kudos


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