Letting Go of Resentment

Resentment can hurt us terribly. It has been said that resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die.  Letting go of a grudge we hold with a person is the only way we can find peace.  When we let go, we don't forget the wrong done to us, but we allow the feelings about the situation to not hold a permanent place in our lives, and this can be freeing.  

The best way to do this is to practice loving kindness meditation.  Think about the person with whom you have conflict right now, and say:  "May they be well.  May they be happy.  May they be filled with kindness and peace."  Any time you feel the resentment return, practice the loving kindness meditation, and dealing with the feelings will become easier.  

So, say it with us:  "May they be well.  May they be happy.  May they be filled with kindness and peace."

Now go get a pizza.  Without them.  :)  

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