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Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

♰ ︲How I Astral Project and theories

NOTE: I will be mainly talking about my experiences with astral projection and my method of doing so. Just know that I have my own beliefs and you have yours. If this doesn't resonate with you feel free to stop reading or block but do not report me or leave rude comments. Otherwise, let's have a discussion in the comments!


Astral Projection

Now before I get started on my experiences with astral projection and how I did it I would like to first define what astral projection is and isn't. Astral projection is when your soul or energy or spirit body whichever term you prefer, basically exists your body. Now, this is NOT dying or lucid dreaming those are two obviously different things. Yes, lucid dreaming can lead to astral projection and yes near-death experiences can cause you to astral project or have out of body experiences, but it doesn't mean they are the same thing. Now that we have that out of the way I will explain the method that I used. Astral projection doesn't necessarily require a method it's just a way to explain the steps one may take to do this, but you could just improvise. Though, if it's your first time I DEFINITLEY do NOT recommend just winging it. 

You have to be in the state where you are content with your own world but are interested in exploring the other side or what's "beyond the veil". I find when we are doing this more as a way to escape because we dislike our world or reality you will be unsuccessful. I'm not saying it's impossible just that it may be difficult for you or unsafe. If you are suffering from some sort of depression or the like you are not alone and you can try this again at a different time. You can take my words with a grain of salt if you'd like this was just something I myself had experienced where close spirits would purposely prevent me from projecting because I was unstable and would force me to return to my body. Otherwise, heed my warnings or not ultimately, it's your own choice and your own path. 

Do not go into this with zero experience in the case that you are successful I would not wish for any harm to fall upon anyone. As there are entities or places you may come across on the astral that are not so kind or nice. Despite that I do not want to cause any fear or what not as that is not my intention rather, I just mean to say that one needs to be careful when delving into these things. So, with that I will begin to explain my method and why I did certain things. Feel free to tweak things to your own preferences and to fit better your own spiritual practices. I will also provide a substitute for those who may not have a connection with their spirits or other entities that they have agreed with for help. I will write another blog regarding my relationship with certain entities at a later time but for now the steps I took goes as follows: 

Step 1: Planning and Warding

With this step I will usually prepare myself as in setting up wards, here is an article  about wards and what they are/do. WHEN and not IF you do set them up you can come back and finish reading my blog. it's VERY important to have some layer of protection on you or in your space. I make sure I have meditated earlier that day, grounding or saying positive affirmations and the like. I DO NOT RECCOMEND astral projecting when upset, angry or generally unwell physically or mentally. You need to be in a calm state when attempting to astral project. Otherwise, there is a higher chance of you being unsuccessful or possibly attracting unpleasant entities or in more extreme cases projecting into an undesirable place. 

Also, if you do work with other spirits or entities now would be the time to let them know you will be planning to astral project, and they can offer guidance or protect you during your attempt. If not, you may move on to the next part which is, protecting your aura. Now, this is very simple to do as you can imagine yourself being surrounded by a comforting energy or light. Either one works just make sure it covers you completely. Now you can set an intention or spell like "With this light/energy I am protected from harmful entitles or energies." This is the simplest way you could protect/ward yourself if you decided to skip setting up wards. 

Step 2: Getting comfortable to project. 

 Please make sure you have eaten, drunken water and used the restroom before continuing as you will not be able to move without having to start again. Now, I recommend laying down or sitting on a chair with your feet up. I recommend carrying something in your hand like a stone or crystal or any small object that can tie you back to the physical world. Just make sure its texture isn't something that will distract you. Getting a stone or object is purely optional it's just something I do. Once, you have done this close your eyes and just focus on your breathing. Focus on your chest falling and rising. You can turn on some calming music if that helps or a guided meditation specifically for astral projection. Though I find those to go a bit too fast. (I would also recommend music that have some form of theta waves or beats to them. 432hz+ preferably here is the one that helped me.) You must be completely relaxed and DO NOT MOVE. Make sure that no one will interrupt you and don't attempt to project when driving or some sort of physical activity. Get in your head now that you are safe and will successfully safely project. Please make sure you have eaten and used the restroom before continuing.

Step 3: The rope and the awkward stage

Now that you are fully calm, and your mind is at ease your brain is going to make you extremely uncomfortable and will start sending signals to your body to test if you are asleep. YOU MUST PUSH PAST THIS STAGE it is not real it's just your brain doing its last check to see if you are actually asleep.  You will have to ignore every sensation your brain sends for some this will be the hardest part as your face or body might suddenly become itchy, but you have to ignore all of it. AGAIN, DO NOT MOVE! You will start to feel vibrations within your body. DO NOT BE ALARMED! This is a sign that it is working please continue pushing past this step. After the vibration stage you might feel like you have trouble breathing or your heart may begin to beat fast again, please push past this feeling its only temporary. This is just your body getting ready to project. (Though if you do have a history of cardiovascular problems please stop here.) 

Continue past the vibrational stage and imagine a rope falling from the ceiling. From here you will imagine yourself rising up and grabbing the rope. DO THIS SLOWLY AND DO NOT LOOSE CONCENTRATION. Imagine pulling on the rope and moving your legs slowly. I cannot stress do not rush this part it will be slow. Get accustomed to this new state of being, continue pulling on the rope until you are fully able to stand on your own. 

You do not have to imagine a rope if you do not wish to. Infact I myself do not use a rope. What I do is slowly roll out of my body. You will fall on to the floor but that's fine you can focus on getting up. To do this method I literally just imagine rolling over and how that would feel to roll over in your bed and fall on to the floor. Also imagine hitting the floor. To me this is easier than the rope method but, its whatever you prefer. 

Step 4: Actually walking.

Now that you have left your body you must remain calm. If you get scared or too excited, you may be zapped right back to your body. Now do not expect things to be crystal clear when you open your eyes in the astral. I was also led to believe that all I had to do was get past the rope or rolling stage and everything would be a breeze after that. Get rid of that idea now. It is only like that for a small amount of people most of us will struggle to even make it past that stage. I don't mean to burst your bubble when I say this but I mean this with the best intentions it will take some getting used to before you can walk around and fly about. For others it will be easier for some it's a bit more difficult. Especially if you have never had an out of body experience before it will feel very unfamiliar or even scary. But if you have successfully made it to this step congratulations! You have successfully astral projected. Now let me tell you what one can do once we have gone to this side and my many theories on astral projection and what it all means. 

Of course, I would want for you all to successfully and safely project so obviously go in with the positive intention that it is safe to leave your body for a while to go learn about other things and gain knowledge or insight. I just don't want you all to be disillusioned in the case that you find you can't even get up from the floor or can barely even stand in the astral. From here it will be important to just stay within your own space until you feel comfortable walking around. You can try running and then flying! Once you get the hang of it you can try exploring your town and go beyond that as well. You can explore other countries or areas you've never been to. I do suspect there are certain areas one cannot project into such as some important government buildings and other government restricted areas. As, I've heard from other astral travelers that they are unable to enter these areas. Despite that we shouldn't limit ourselves to just our world. You can explore other planets as well if you become skilled enough. I heard some are even able to travel to other galaxies as well. You can even find the elusive akashic records, but its existence is debated on, and its history is a bit questionable but feel free to read more about that subject. 

You can visit other realities as well if you believe in the existence of other realities existing. I have heard that some travelers have actually time traveled (not in the back to the future kind of way.) but what I mean is that you can be like a fly on the wall see how the past was or how the future will be. I am not sure on the validity of that claim but I wouldn't be surprised if they found it was possible to visit another time via astral travel. I think it could've been more likely that that traveler visited a reality that looks like the past though I am unsure. I have never attempted to time travel while astral projecting. So, take that claim with a grain of salt before you try to time travel as I am not entirely sure if it's even possible. 

Final note: I hope that this blog helps you all in some way. Please feel free to discuss things in the comments or ask more questions. I will most likely continue to edit this article as I may have missed steps or for further clarification. Otherwise, good luck Astral projecting!

10 Kudos


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クピードー ୨୧

クピードー ୨୧'s profile picture

this is incredibly interesting ! i haven't looked into astral projection before, and though i am interested in trying i think it'd be best to wait for when i'm in a clearer headspace. thank you for sharing this ♡

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num ୧(´‿`)୨

num ୧(´‿`)୨'s profile picture

this is cool!

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