Ain't no way I'm trying to go to school, i ran to the bus stop so i wouldn't miss the bus and the second i sit down i start losing my vision and im HELLA thirsty all of a sudden. Welp my survival instincts start kicking in and I'm thinking of drinking my own pee if this bus won't get to its destination and FAST. I'm trying to calm my breathing and trying to get help from my little brother who's next to me shouting angrily "what do you think i can do, you rat?" (So loving ik). Well while I'm thinking I'm about to faint and DIE in this bus i told him to call my grandma that instant since she lives close to the strain station where we were going. We'll my little brother calls her, i told him to tell her to come with water and surprise surprise he doesn't telk her that. Instead he gives her a half assed explanation and says im OVERREACTING like thanks man I'm partically blind right now im tooootally overreacting rn. Of course I heard nothing of the phone call because my ears are just ringing or whatever you call it. Well we arrive at the train station and this asshole doesn't even help me out of the bus. So I'm just touching around me trying to find my way out. At this point I'm ready call the ambulance but luckily before my blind ass can even reach for my phone or even think about how the hell I'm gonna dial a number when I'm blind my grandma arrives and takes me in her car 👍 long story short I'm now laying on da hopital bed writing this on my darn PHONE. APERANTLY I have a migraine.... Why does a migraine make me feel like I'm on the edge of fucking DYING?
Almost fucking DIED
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