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Almost 18!!! Crazy... but anyways, here's some life advice

Almost 18?? Almost a legal adult?? Whaaaat??

I'm turning 18 on the 21st of April! Here's what I've learned throughout my childhood.

- Don't trust those people who tell you to "just give them a chance". If they want their chance, they have to earn it.

- TRUST YOUR GUT. I could've avoided so many bad situations if I'd just went with my instincts instead of trying to be "nice". Your safety is your top priority.

- If someone threatens to kill themselves if you leave, just leave. Their actions are on them and them alone. You're not responsible for anyone's mental or physical health.

- If someone betrays you, just leave. It's hard, and it hurts a lot, but it'll hurt much worse when (not if, WHEN) they do it again.

- If someone harms you to the point of traumatizing you, you have EVERY RIGHT to hate them. Even if they're family. Even if they're your childhood friend. Even if they're an authority figure.

- Express yourself, even if it's only in private. I was too scared to, and because of that fear I'm still figuring out my identity because I never got to play around with it. You might get bullied for it if you don't fit the norm, but you can't please everyone. I learned that the hard way.

- DON'T LISTEN TO WHAT OTHERS THINK. I know that sounds a bit strange, but when it comes to the way you dress, or who you like, or your religion, or even what you eat, nobody else matters but you. They're your choices. Not theirs.

- Reinforce boundaries. If they're ignored, get LOUD about it. Scream. Yell. Get physical if you need to. If you're being disrespected, make it known that you won't stand for it.

- Your body isn't perfect, but that's just because perfection doesn't exist. Beauty standards are fake and ever-changing. Don't try to fit someone else's mold.

- Being assertive isn't 'mean'. It's not 'bossy'. It's knowing your self-worth. Whether that's boundaries, pay rates, or even grades, assert yourself and know your worth.

YOUR TOP PRIORITY IS STAYING SAFE. Do whatever you need to get there.

Please, don't learn these lessons the hard way like I did.

2 Kudos


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