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im going on a trip soon!!! x

we (me & my familie luls) hav plan tickets 2 floriday for around mid may & we r planning on roadtripping up the east coast 2 visit our cousins/aunts and whatevr!! im supr excited AND our end destination is my grandparents lake house which we r going to be staying at until sep/oct?? and we'll be making sum desicsions bc we r thinking abt moving up there?? 

OH YAH AND!! wwe r gonna try and set up like,,. a club or something bc the cabin is kinda in the woods & the only place rly nearby is a campground. we got permission to use a decommisioned church (now itz jst a community area) 2 host it!! im in charge of making posters n stuff (which i haveny done yet,.,, oops) 

im just so excited to prowl,... im gonna find so many bones and press so many flowers n stuff. and my moms planning on getting sum silk thread while we r up there to restring her beads so im gonna make my gf a necklace and send it 2 her!! (i alrready hav an amythst bracelet i dont wear anymore and a dear tooth i found that i can probs wrap w/ wire :333) YIPEPEEE!!!<3

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